Guard Tour Reporting Tool

Guard Tour Reporting Tool

Migrated all of their existing website which was built with ASP.Net 2.0 into a newer platform with MVC5 framework and Web API2. Older website was given a design facelift with the latest trend of Bootstrap and HTML5.


Important features of the product

  • Guard Tour reporting, accountability and management solution.
  • An android application acts as the reporting device for Guards.
  • Check Point Scanning, Incident Reporting, GPS Tracking & Real-Time Alerts.
  • Customizable Platform & Custom Client Access.
  • Daily Activity Reports & Attendance Verification.
  • Document Management.


Our partner company wanted to include a reporting module in their existing website. Since they use a third party vendor product for running their Guard Management System, they were looking to incorporate all the third party products’ functionality into their website with a professional and intuitive face of their website.



Migrated all of their legacy systems which was built with ASP.Net 2.0 into a newer platform with MVC5 framework and Web API 2. Older website was given a design facelift with the latest trend of Bootstrap and HTML5.

Functional Features:

Reporting module

Messaging capability to different android devices under a particular group

Create customized forms which can be sent over to different android devices under a particular group

Upload documents directly to be sent to different android devices under a particular group

Time Clock Solution for tracking the reporting time for the Guards



Web API 2

Dependency Injection

automated guardtrax


We created the reporting modules which they wanted and which was their initial requirement.

We then Migrated all of their legacy systems which was built with ASP.Net 2.0 into a newer platform with MVC5 framework and Web API 2.

Their older website was given a design facelift with the latest trend of Bootstrap and HTML5.

Currently working on incorporating new features, enhancements and maintenance of the system.



reliance protect

Security Zone Level Reporting & E-Learning Solution

Dreamztech provided a responsive reporting application that would allow drill down data visualisation breakdowns based on user role access requirements, with an elearning module that would facilitate training on the given product and improve operational efficiency and control.
Full Case Study

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