Fuel Card Management System

Fuel Card Management System

We offered a SharePoint hosted App, it’s completely JavaScript and HTML5 based APP. This app provided option to manage drivers and customer such as various type of rate, Fuel card management, final invoicing to customer and payment to driver. All document related to customer and driver, including invoice saved in SharePoint list.

Fuel Card Management System

Important features of the product

  • Office 365 Base solution
  • SharePoint APP – Completely works on JavaScript and HTML5
  • Driver management
  • Customer management
  • Complete Invoicing


This company is a logistic company using Office 365. They want to add a SharePoint site, so they can manage documents and business in one place.



We offered a SharePoint hosted App, it’s completely JavaScript and HTML5 based APP. This app provided option to manage drivers and customer such as various type of rate, Fuel card management, final invoicing to customer and payment to driver. All document related to customer and driver, including invoice saved in SharePoint list.

Functional Features:

Fuel Card Management System

SharePoint hosted App :

It’s a completely SharePoint hosted app that uses HTML5 and JavaScript to run and is easy to plugin to existing SharePoint website

Fuel Card Management Application

Customer management:

Customers and customer’s rate can be managed from here

Fuel Card Management App

Driver Management:

Driver, driver documents, Driver invoices can be managed from here.


SharePoint 2013 Office 365, HTML 5, JavaScript, Client Object Module

Network Global


After 3 months of development we designed and delivered an entire App and hosted it to client’s tenant. The solution works with all module and currently client’s internal staff is getting trained for using it.



facility management

Facility Management System

We provide a customized order processing and monitoring system.
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